Support for Special Achievers Program 2024/2025

Submissions are now being accepted. Submissions close at midnight 30 June 2025 (AEST).

The Support for Special Achievers Program is to help support gifted and talented people who live in the Camden LGA. The program provides a monetary grant to assist to meet the costs of participation in a cultural, academic or sporting event. Applicants representing NSW may apply for up to 10% of their costs to $750 and applicants representing Australia may apply for up 10% of their costs to $1000. Applications under this program can be made at any time during each financial year and an applicant is able to apply once every Council term (4 years) for funding. 

The program eligibility criteria ensure that monetary or in-kind donation requests to Council are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner,and are consistent with the principles of community well-being.

For any questions relating to this or any other grant program, please call (02) 4654 7777 during business hours or email