Community Transport Support Grant 2024/2025

This is a preview of the Community Transport Support Grant 2024/2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Community Transport Support Grant

About The Program

The Community Transport Support grant creates opportunities for organisations and groups to access community transport. It is intended to provide a clear and consistent process for the determination of requests for monetary support to community groups or organisations, and assist to reduce social isolation and promote recreational activities within or outside Camden’s LGA. Applications will be accepted throughout the year on an ad hoc basis.

The program guidelines and operating procedures ensure that monetary requests to Council are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner and are consistent with the principles of community wellbeing.

Council recognises the potential for situations to arise where one off assistance to a group  can have long term benefit to residents and the community especially those involved in undertaking activities that support recreational activities requiring transport which have direct benefit to residents of Camden LGA.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for funding, an organisation must:

  • Be a not for profit or charitable organisation or charity with public liability insurance of $20,000,000 or over or;
  • Be a group or unincorporated association or charity auspiced by a not for profit/incorporated association or charity with public liability insurance of $20,000,000 or over;  
  • Provide a quote from a transport provider registered for that specific purpose with ABN number and relevant licensing, registrations and insurances;
  • Have acquitted any previous Camden Council grants and have no outstanding debts to Council.
  • Show evidence that the group is participating in a recreational activity within or outside the LGA that supports social inclusion and reduces social isolation e.g. peer support activity.


Council does not provide grants in this round for:

  • Businesses;
  • Excursions that promote antisocial behaviour e.g. alcohol consumption;
  • Excursions that directly contravene existing Council policy;

Assessment Process

Requests up to an amount of $500 will be considered on an individual basis by a Committee comprising of the Mayor and General Manager, with an assessment and recommendation from Council Officers.

The following criteria will be applied in assessing requests:

  • Purpose of the transport used;
  • Previous requests made by applicant;
  • Annual Council budget allowance and availability;
  • Amount requested; and
  • Applicant’s access to alternative sources of funding.


Each applicant must submit a receipt of transportation taken. A detailed summary of all funds allocated will be reported to Council annually.

For more information please contact Community Project Officer on (02) 4645 5106 or email